UTC last update: 04:51 (full) 04:51 (partial)

Symbol Network Statistics


Plot of network-wide heights and finalized heights.

Voting Power

Any account that has a minimum voting balance and has a voting public key registered at the current epoch is considered to be an active voter. Total voting power is estimated by identifying all of these accounts and summing their importances. A fork is successful if it attracts a 2/3 supermajority of network voting power.

Harvesting Power

Any account that has harvested a block in the last 3.5 days is considered to be an active harvester. Total harvesting power is estimated by identifying all of these accounts and summing their importances. Any nodes that are unresponsive at the time of report generation are placed in the yellow 'delegating / updating' bucket. For delegates, an enhancement would be to identify the status of the node(s) to which they're delegating.

Harvester Count (Includes Delegates)

Count of active harvesters.

Node Count

Count of nodes that are currently reachable in the network.